SFPA Poets | In Memoriam | Articles | Interviews | Reviewers | Groups | Other Resources
SFPA Round-Up
poetry-related publications monthly by members
SFPA Members Sites & Blogs
In Memoriam
This section contains links to or about members of SFPA who have passed away.
Ray Bradbury |
Suzette Haden Elgin |
Deborah P Kolodji |
Bruce Boston |
Articles & Essays on SF Poetry
Video by Dana Sink of “Kepler’s Law” by Christina Rau
Troutswirl Per Diem Scifaiku January 2020, edited by Julie Bloss Kelsey
The Social Forms of Speculative Poetics by Margaret Ronda
Amazing Stories' Speculative Poetry reviews and news by Diane Severson Mori
Prune Juice’s April SF issue with essay by Deborah P Kolodji
All For Geek Alliance interview on poetry podcasting with Diane Severson Mori
“Science versus Poetry” by Geoffrey A. Landis
Rattle’s Tribute to Speculative Poetry
“Speculative Poetry 101” by Mae Empson
“Looking Back on my Origins as a Science-Fiction Poet in the World of Tomorrow” by Andrew Joron
The Idea of the Real: Notes on the History of Speculative Poetry (2002) by Mark Rich
Articles on Romanian SF Poetry (reprints)
“Science, Fiction, Poetry” (1996) by Geoffrey A. Landis“On the Supernatural in Poetry” (1826) by Ann Radcliffe
Bruce Boston interviewed by Angela Yuriko Smith |
Diane Severson interviewed by Bryan Thao Worra |
Robin Wyatt Dunn interviewed by Scarlet Leaf Review |
Alessandro Manzetti interviewed by HWA |
Fairy Tale Favorite: Shannon Connor Winward interviewed by Gwendolyn Kiste |
Howls and Fairies. A Conversation with Mary McMyne interviewed by Bryan Thao Worra |
Steve Sneyd interviewed by Andrew Darlington |
F. J. Bergmann interviewed by HWA |
Sandra Lindow interviewed by Bryan Thao Worra |
Diane Severson interviewed by S.C. Flynn |
A Day in the Life interviews G.O. Clark by Terrie Leigh Relf |
John Philip Johnson interviewed by Geosi Gyasi |
G.O. Clark, Part One interviewed by Bryan Thao Worra |
Poetry and the Paranormal: An Interview with Denise Dumars by Bryan Thao Worra |
Innsmouth Intank: A Poetic Interview with Ann K. Schwader by Bryan Thao Worra |
David C. Kopaska-Merkel interviewed by Joanne Merriam |
Rebecca Marjesdatter interview entirely in haiku by Bryan Thao Worra |
Writing Speculative Poetry: An Interview with Bruce Boston by John Amen |
SF Poetry Reviewers
Cedar Hollow | Horror Fiction Reviews | Shoreline of Infinity |
Hellnotes | Horror Novel Reviews | Star*Line reviews |
Hook Of A Book |
Locus | True Review |
The Pedestal |
Writer's Groups
Broad Universe
Horror Writers Association
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association
Other Resources
Chemical Elements Reduced to Words
Eaton Conference
Eaton Collection video
Encyclopedia of Science Fiction offers a short yet
comprehensive overview of the history of SF poetry.
Endicott Studio
Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction
Poems of the Fantastic and Macabre
Science Fiction Research Association
Scifaiku—Science Fiction Haiku
SF Reader Forums
SpecPo through the Ages
The Speculative Literature Foundation
Speculative Poetry offers spec po readings
The Ultimate SF Poetry Guide
Watchers of the Moon: Poetry and Mathematical Physics in the Long Nineteenth Century
Writer Beware Blogs
Compiled on behalf of SFPA. Send updates and additions
to sfpaweb@sfpoetry.org.