2005 SFPA Grand master: Robert Frazier

Robert Frazier photoRobert Frazier has seen his work in such publications as Asimov's Science Fiction, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Analog, Amazing, Weird Tales, Tales of the Unanticipated, Dreams & Nightmares, and The Magazine of Speculative Poetry. His work has also appeared in almost every significant anthology containing science fiction poetry, including The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry, Songs from Unsung Worlds, POLY, Time Frames, Terminal Velocities, and 2001: A Science Fiction Poetry Anthology. He has had some 25 poems nominated for a Rhysling Award, winning three times in 1980, 1989, and 1994. He received an Asimov’s Readers’ Poll Award in 1991.

Frazier's original collections include Peregrine (1978), Co-Orbital Moons (1988) and The Daily Chernobyl (2000, winner of the Anamnesis Press Poetry Chapbook Award). He collaborated with Bruce Boston on Chronicles of the Mutant Rainforest (1992). He was the editor of Speculative Poetry Review and of the seminal anthology Burning with a Vision. He was a longtime editor of Star*Line, the official publication of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, and of the SFPA's Rhysling Anthology.

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