Volume 44, Issue
Summer 2021
Wyrms & Wormholes
Dreamers Rise Up
I am delighted to bring you my first issue of Star*Line as editor. It has been an honor to read and select everyone’s poetry and to take the helm from a long line of esteemed editors. This issue features poetry from twelve countries, and from twenty-four states within the U.S. The scope and breadth of speculative poetry around the world is a source of wonder, and I am proud to be in the position to help steer the course for our amazing, peaceful army of dreamers and visionaries. It is my belief that together we can dream a better future and hear our song rise up into the infinite cosmos, with infinite possibility. I am deeply indebted to F. J. Bergmann and the rest of the executive committee for their guidance and help in learning the ropes of the magazine, and I’m looking forward to doing my part to help strengthen the SFPA. I can’t wait to read more of everyone’s work and to watch our ever-growing international community of poets thrive!
—Jean-Paul L. Garnier, Star*Line Editor
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Star*Line Staff:
Editor: Jean-Paul L. Garnier
Layout: F. J. Bergmann
Production Manager: F. J. Bergmann
Mailing: Andrew Gilstrap
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Table of Contents
- Wyrms & Wormholes * Jean-Paul Garnier
- SFPA Announcements
- President’s Message * Bryan Thao Worra
- From the Small Press * Rebecca Buchanan, Marge Simon, Lisa Timpf
- Stealth SF * We’re All in This Together * Denise Dumars
- Xenopoetry * El vampiro (The Vampire) * Delmira Agustini, translated from the Spanish by Brittany Hause
- New Planet Landscape 17 * Ken Poyner
- The Mysterious Black Cube * Ian Willey
- Orbital Mechanics * Ian Goh
- Dyson 2.0 * Deborah L. Davitt
- Apocalypse * Bruce McAllister
- [after implants] * Tyler McIntosh
- Dreams of Dead Worlds * Matthew Wilson
- The Message * Dawn Vogel
- Observation * Mary Cresswell
- Out of All the Experiences * Beth Cato
- To Find Life * Robin Rose Graves
- [coevolution] * Karl Lykken
- [suspended animation] * Greg Schwartz
- Fortune Teller * Lorraine Schein
- Visitation * Adele Gardner
- A Trickster’s Guide … * Avra Margariti
- Fruits of the Season * Federica Santini
- Inescapable Personality Disorders … * P. Aaron Potter
- [chalk silhouette] * Noel Sloboda
- History * Kenny A. Chaffin
- [after the earthquake] * Denny E. Marshall
- The Last Invader * Lee Clark Zumpe
- silver plate galaxy * D.A. Xiaolin Spires
- [homecoming] * Ngo Binh Anh Khoa
- Married With Benefits * Russell Nichols
- Disappearance * John C. Mannone
- Avian Alchemy * Wesley D. Gray
- Lilith’s Cave * Kim Goldberg
- Non-Existential Dilemmas of Time Travel * P. Aaron Potter
- DogFood * Sydney Bernthold
- [werewolf doggy bag] * Alan Ira Gordon
- [meating halfway] * LeRoy Gorman
- Opening the Mouth * DJ Tyrer
- Don’t Change * Rhonda Parrish
- Red Cloak * Karie Jacobson
- [skin like fly-paper] * ayaz daryl nielsen
- Time Assignment * Felicia Martinez
- [spring storms goad mud slides] * Colleen Anderson
- Multipurpose * Sarah Cannavo
- The Ice Hunter * Jennifer Silvey
- Landscape * Coleman Bomar
- Exiled Leader * Robin Helweg-Larsen
- Hunger Dreams * Herb Kauderer
- Edifice * Mike Allen
- The Planet of The Planet of the Apes * K. V. K. Kvas
- Vegetable Garden on Quiva * John Grey
- Hagridden * Amelia Gorman
- Survivor * Jonel Abellanosa
- Love Songs on a Planet Circling Binary Stars * R. Mac Jones
- First to Bloom * Jason Burnham
- Dead World Canvas * Miguel O. Mitchell
- [a jungle planet] * Stephen C. Curro
- The Pelagic Colossus * Daniel Ausema
- The Revenge of Henrietta Lacks * Cecilia Caballero
- Fatherless * Roger Dutcher
- expanding life across worlds * Herb Kauderer
- Passing Sights * Garrett Carroll
- Sky King * Gretchen Tessmer
- Damsel in Distress Redux * Marsheila Rockwell
- Horses of Fire, Horses of Ice * Gerri Leen
- All the Difference * Sharon Cote
- Sleepless Beauty * Oliver Smith
- Undine Whispers * Hicham El Qendouci
- Nursing A Home For The Grandfather Paradox * Soren James
- [devices beep] * Barun Saha
- Clandestine * Keily Blair
- The Lie Machine * Louis B. Rosenberg
- [deep space Elvis] * Greer Woodward
- this too-solid flesh is not * Rich Magahiz
- Daily Fire * F. J. Bergmann
- The Priestess Considers Her Fate * Stewart C Baker
- Dropout * Mariel Herbert
- closer * Matthew Daley
- Thunderstorm on Terra II * Lauren
- Horizontal Adjustment * Denny E. Marshall
- Small Worm * John Pogline
- Landing * John Pogline
- If It Is to Be, It’s Up to Me * Christina Sng